目前分類:原始佛教 (7)

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Pali Tipitaka Index:

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 Pali Tipitaka Index 




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Online Sutta Correspondence Project

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This facility enables one to identify the Chinese, Tibetan, and Sanskrit "parallels" or "counterparts" to the suttas of the four main Pali Nikayas - or vice versa. It is designed for those whose interest in the Early Buddhist discourses extends beyond the limits of the Pali Sutta-piṭaka to include the extensive corresponding materials found elsewhere: the Agamas and individual sutras preserved in Chinese, the occasional sutra translations contained in the Tibetan Kanjur, and the numerous published fragments of sutras in Sanskrit and related languages. It is an up-dated and revised successor to Akanuma's Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas & Pali Nikayas (1929), and is the natural starting point in navigating around this vast mass of textual material.

As well as showing the correspondences as described above, Sutta Central allows one to access the texts directly in their original language (Pali, Chinese, etc.) and, where available, in modern language translation (e.g., English, French, German, Spanish).

System Status
Data last updated June 5, 2011

Vision Statement

Collections: Pali | Chinese | Tibetan | Sanskrit | Prakrit | Gandhari | Khotanese | Uighur

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Access to Insight: Readings in Theravada Buddhism

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顯密佛教文庫裡頭收藏了南、北、藏傳佛教的資料庫,以及南傳今代著明的禪師,例如:帕奥禅师 、阿姜查禅师佛使比库那烂陀长老 、马哈希法师等人的開示錄都在其中。除此之外, 大藏经·大正藏乾隆大藏经大藏经全文检索佛教辞典等,是個值得保留參考的網頁。請多多利用。


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